Brittany Todd, Founder and CEO of B Balanced Counseling & Wellness, exudes a strong passion and purpose for the promotion of mental health awareness, support, and collaborative comprehensive treatment.
As a former elite athlete, chronic overachiever, recovering perfectionist, and someone who has suffered from her own mental health obstacles, Brittany has been involved in wellness since she could crawl, and at a young age developed a purpose for mental health and well-being. Brittany has always been passionate in regards to psychotherapy and the benefits that come from self work and discovery, this passion led her to pursue further education, and in 2017 Brittany graduated from Walden University with master’s level degrees in Clinical Psychology and Clinical Counseling, to continue to build on her dream and mission of mental health and wellness.
Brittany is certified by the National Board of Forensic Evaluators as a Certified Child Custody Evaluator and Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator. Brittany is also contracted by the North Carolina Capitol Defender’s office as a Mitigation Specialist in criminal cases, accepting private mitigation work as requested. She has provided Expert Testimony in multiple criminal cases and child custody arrangements, and is consistently motivated to support clients in legal challenges they may be facing.
Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, Autism Spectrum, Kids and Teens
Therapy focus:
Psychotherapy, Marriage and Family
Therapy focus:
High Profile Child Custody Evaluations, Psychological & Forensic Evaluations, Bipolar Disorder, Co-Occurring Disorders, Intensive Therapeutic Programs, Mental Health Memberships
Therapy focus:
Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation, Autism Spectrum, Kids and Teens
Therapy focus:
Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, Autism Spectrum, Kids and Teens
Therapy focus:
Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation, Autism Spectrum, Kids and Teens
Therapy focus:
Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, Autism Spectrum, Kids and Teens
Therapy focus:
Intuitive Eating, Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Athletes
Therapy focus:
Academic and Executive Functioning, ADHD and Dyslexia Coaching
Therapy focus:
administrative director
Of Client Services
site credits
privacy policy
all rights reserved
(336) 607-5822
110 Oakwood Drive Suite 450 Winston-Salem, NC 27103